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Mom Minus 1

I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many mother’s like myself who have lost a child to cancer.  I haven’t met any of them face-to-face; each one found my blog or I found a blog they were writing similar to mine.  Thankfully, with the internet, I’ve been able to share my thoughts and feelings with these incredible mom’s and the world about my journey through life after losing a child to cancer.  They inspire and encourage me to keep writing.

I remember right after Kayla died, I looked around so lost and confused and thought, “What do I do now?”  My life had changed so drastically with caring for a sick child with cancer, I just didn’t know what I was supposed to do next after she was gone.  “I have to leave the hospital now?  How do I let go?  What am I going to do without my…

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About MomMinus1

Welcome to my blog, momminus1 (mom minus one). I am a mother of three beautiful girls, Kayla 17, Allison 13 and Ashley 5. One of my daughters recently became an angel; Kayla passed away on September 22, 2010 due to complications from AML leukemia. She was diagnosed on July 3, 2010. She endured harsh chemotherapy treatments, hair loss, rare and painful skin disorders, horrible stomach infections, weakness, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety and fear. From the time she was diagnosed until the day she died it was just 81 days..... A short, but, horrific battle with cancer. I am always asked, "How are you doing? What can I do for you? How are your two girls doing?" At times, these are tough questions to answer. And, I express myself best when I write. Writing is so helpful and therapeutic for me. Maybe I can answer these questions for those that are concerned about us. Maybe I can help another mom that might wake up tomorrow and find out that their child is diagnosed with cancer. Maybe there is a mom somewhere, like me, that just lost a child to cancer and is searching the web for answers. She might be thinking, "Is there anyone out there that understands what I'm going through?" I understand. I am grieving. I am in pain. I have a big piece of my heart that is now gone.....I would love your feedback about my blog, too. Thanks for reading!
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